The Hes-Pro Foods trademark is known not only for its vegetable protein products (VPP) but also mayonnaises, salad dressings and sauces. Our state-of-the-art production facility is located in Kaarina, just outside Turku in Finland.
Finnish family-owned company Hes-Pro (Finland) Oy is behind the Hes-Pro Foods trademark. Hes-Pro (Finland) Oy employs just over 80 people.
We have been producing mayonnaises, salad dressings and sauces with decades of experience. The delicious flavour of our mayonnaises is familiar to many, as they are the heart of products served at Hesburger restaurants. Hes-Pro Foods trademark salad dressings and sauces can be found at well-stocked supermarkets all over Finland and abroad. High-quality vegetable protein products are also manufactured under the Hes-Pro Foods brand.
Delicious vegetable protein products (=VPP)
Due to more and more people choosing a vegetarian diet, there is new demand for a variety of delicious vegetable protein meat substitutes. We produce Hes-Pro Foods trademark VPPs at our dedicated VPP production facility, which was completed in 2019. VPPs include tasty soy fingers and hamburger-like vegetable protein patties found on the Hesburger restaurant menu as well as our soy protein products.
Our customers are both Finnish and foreign operators. We operate in accordance with the private label model. Read more about our certifications.
Our highly skilled and efficient professionals are ready to help you find the best product for your company’s needs - just contact us!
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